Rhonda had the opportunity to sit down and chat with our friends Peter and Ginger Breggin recently and we are excited that the Expose picked up the interview.  We discussed Alfred Kisney, the Arabella Advisors network of foundations usurping our nations, the United Nations, CPS and more. 

You can read the article here:


Our CEO, Rhonda Miller, presented on the history of Alfred Kinsey at the 2023 BardsFest in Kentucky to a large crowd of Americans who had gathered across the nation on a weekend of spiritual renewal and refreshing.  Helping them understand the history of pornography was a pivotal event for the weekend and we were honored to be a part of it.  

You can view Rhonda's presentation here:

The History of Alfred Kinsey

Alfred Knsey and the Monsters of America was a documentary produced by our friends, The Resistance Chicks.  This powerful film was built around our interview with Michelle and Leah discussing the crimes of Alfred Kinsey, his connections and the fallout on our nation.  

You can watch the full film here:

Alfred Kinsey and the Monsters of America

The British Film, Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles, highlights Kinsey's own colleagues who are talking and laughing about the fact that they knew what they were doing was illegal and if ever investigated, they would destroy the records.  Kinsey videographer, Clarence Tripp, talks about a "fit" problem by Kinsey's pedophile, Rex King, as he's raping a young child and how Rex King had large genetalia and the child had small genetalia and cried out in pain.  Kinsey lover and colleague, Paul Gebhard, talks about a Texas lawmaker seeking an investigation as well as an Indiana lawmaker, Burton, and how they would destroy the records before they would ever allow that to happen.  What, or who, stopped this from happening and why? 

You can watch the film here: 

Secret History: Kinsey's Paedophiles


We are honored to be a part in supporting Audrey Werner's Amicus Brief to the US Supreme Court in case No. 23-1122 Free Speech Coalition, Inc vs Ken Paxton, Attorney Genral of Texas.  This case is a HUGE deal and could lead to the unraveling of our corrupt laws that were put into place following Kinsey's crimes against children.  

Audrey's Amicus Brief

Here's a copy of the Amicus Brief:

The American Legal Exchange Counsel published a paper written by Linda Jeffrey which exposed The Kinsey Institute as the danger that it has been to our country.

The Kinsey Institute Exposed: A Warning to Parents and Governments.  Esther White shares her personal story of being molested by her father who was paid by Kinsey for his statistics he kept of her.  

The Sex Industrial Complex.  A brief look at the sex empire that Kinsey, Rockfellers and the CIA built.

Scientific Authority for Schooling on Sex


For decades we operated under Common Law.  Once Kinsey's fraudulent books were published, he, along with the Rockefeller Foundation and the CIA, worked to move America's judicial system to the American Legal Institute-Model Penal Code.  By so doing, many laws protecting women and children were drastically changed for the worse. 

Common Law vs Model Penal Code


Kinsey's infamous Table 34 on page 180 of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male.


Kinsey's infamous Table 34